
Tag : career


(2-3) Create a Sustainable Career: Experiment and Be Flexible

In a VUCA world it is important to keep employability high! so, in these series of posts (this is the 2nd and brings two pieces of advise to you) it is legitimate to wander How should I manage my career – and my online reputation – as goalposts are constantly moving? Let me share two pieces of advise. Hope these help!!! Experiment: Take Baby Steps Don’t be shy, give new experiences a try. Volunteering, offering your services to associations, contributing […]

Professional Identity

(1) Create a sustainable career: Clarify your professional identity

Job security is fading fast. In a constantly changing world it can feel almost impossible to keep up with the latest trends and digital expectations. So how do you manage your career – and your online reputation – when the goalposts are constantly moving? By investing a little time now in your career, you’ll be able to boost your employability for a long-term pay off.   To help get you started, I’d like to share five ideas with you. Today […]