Visiting profesor
Learning from others. Contributing with others.

José Miguel Simian
Academic Vice-rector - Universidad de los Andes
Professor las Heras has been a visiting professor at ESE Business School several times in the last four years. Professor Mireia history with ESE started almost ten years ago, when she helped in setting up the Club Empresas Trabajo y Familia (Work Family Roundable) ( Since then she is been very involved in it. In fact, she’s been a speaker in it every time she has visited the school, and she was a keynote speaker in the 2nd International Work Family Meeting: Work and Family Balance, organized by ESE Business School.
When Professor Las Heras has visited us, in 2017, 2018, and 2019, she has been teaching – together with Prof Maria Jose Bosch- in several In-Company programs. Due to the success in those programs they have taught those programs have had a good number of editions.
Together with Professor Maria Jose Bosch, Professor Las Heras has developed research with more than 30 companies in Chile. Their research is a good example of the mission of ESE: to create efficient organizations while having a positive and lasting impact in society. With their research, Professor Bosch and Las Heras aim at advancing Work-Family in organizations, thus creating more humane environments that result in positive outcomes for employees and their families; for the organizations itself; and for society at large. As result of their research, now four companies (BCI; Walmart Chile; Transbank; and Vonderheide) are accredited “IFREI”, which is an accreditation given by the School giving witness to their good practices, leadership, and culture.
Professor Las Heras has coauthored more than 10 papers with Prof Bosch that are published in top tier journals, such as Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Relations, and Journal of Business Research, to name a few. It is at the very heart of our university to develop and advance knowledge, and for that reason, her collaboration with the School and the University is also of upmost mutual interest.
The School and the University is proud to have Prof Las Heras as a regular visiting scholar, advancing research for Chile and helping the Work-Family Center directed by Prof Bosch to achieve its mission.

Nancy Harding
Professor of Human Resource Management
Head of Strategy & Organization Division
Company: School of Management,University of Bath
Professor las Heras has worked with Professor Rofcanin for the last four years, since the latter joined Bath Business School. As a matter of fact, their research collaboration started in 2014, when Bath organized a small meeting group on Idiosyncratic Deals, a topic of interest to both Prof Las Heras and Prof Rofcanin.
Together with Professor Rofcanin, Professor Las Heras has published over fifteen papers that include data from more than 30 companies in Chile, The Philippines, El Salvador, Nigeria, The Netherlands, Spain, Guatemala, to name a few. Their research is impactful for employees and society, as they work to create more family friendly environments.
Joint papers by Professor Las Heras and Prof Rofcanin have BEEN published in top tier journals, such as Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Relations, and Journal of Organizational Behavior, to name a few. We are proud of how Professor Rofcanin's work with professor Las Heras is contributing to the generation of knowledge, and our two universities benefit from their collaborative research.
Professor las heras visited the school of management at the University of Bath for the first time in 2019, and we look forward to future collaborations and visits that will advance research in such important topics as work and family.