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Deconstructing Organizational Resilience: A Multiple-Case Study
This study extends previous research on organizational resilience by focusing on its relational resilience dimension and integrating with its operational resilience dimension. Our main goal is to understand relational resilience construct and complement it with operational resilience construct to have a complete and balanced picture of organizational resilience. We analyse complementary contributions of relational and operational resilience on organizational resilience in survival and sustainability dimensions. A multiple-case study has been conducted on two manufacturing and two service organizations. This study has conceptualized relational resilience beyond its survival dimension and extended it in sustainability dimension. This understanding enables congruence with the recent conceptualization of organizational and operational resilience in survival and sustainability aspects.

Keywords: #RelationalResilience #OperationalResilience #OrganizationalResilience
Börekçi, D. Y., Rofcanin, Y., Heras , M. L., & Berber, A. (2018). Deconstructing Organizational Resilience: A Multiple-Case Study. Journal of Management and Organization
Relational Job Crafting and Organizational Behavior: A Weekly Diary Study
In this weekly diary study (N = 43 participants; 301 occasions), we explored the associations among relational job crafting, work engagement, and supervisor-rated employee behaviors - in-role work performance and constructive voice. Moreover, we investigated the cross-level moderations of trait prosocial and impression management motives on our proposed associations. Drawing on job crafting and prosocial motivation theories, we hypothesized that relational job crafting would relate to employee outcomes via work engagement, all measured at the week-level. We also argued that trait level prosocial motives would strengthen the relationship between relational job crafting and work engagement, while impression management would weaken this link. Results from a seven-week diary study partially supported our hypotheses. Our results expand job crafting research via delineating the questions when and how relational job crafting predicts desirable employee behaviors. Moreover, our use of a weekly design adds to recently growing research stream that emphasizes the dynamic nature of proactive behaviors, particularly, job crafting. Practically, our findings inform managers with respect to the effectiveness of job crafting behaviors for the overall organizational effectiveness.
Keywords: #ImpressionManagementMotives #Performance #ProsocialMotives #RelationalJobCrafting #WorkEngagement
Rofcanin, Y., Bakker, A. B., Aykut Berber*, Ismail Gölgeci*, Las Heras, M.*, Relational Job Crafting and Organizational Behavior: A Weekly Diary Study, Human Relations
*These three authors contributed equality to the paper