
Academic research

Academic research

My research philosophy

The organization is much more than making money. Is about making this World a better place. For all.

Theoretical frameworks I use in my research

Building upon what others have done before me.

Family Supportive Leadership

Leaders have a privilege. And a responsibility. Toward the organization. Towards employees.


We all are purpose maximizers.

Idiosyncratic Deals (I-Deals)

Doesn’t it make sense to negotiate deals that benefit the employee and the organization?


Looking from a different prospective.


We are rational. And emotional. We all think, feel and love.


Leaving a mark in the world. Developing one’s passion.

Other research topics

Much more to discover about the world!

Research Books

Going in depth into topics of interest: work-family; careers and leadership.

Book Chapters

Contributing to other’s great endeavors to advance knowledge.

Testimonies from my research collaborators

It is a great responsibility to work with, and learn from, people who know so much.