Testimonies from collaborators
Working with great people is a real pleasure. And a way to learn.

Miguel Angel Trabado
Marketing and Digital Transformation Trainer/Top 5 Marketing Professors & Top 20 Marketing Influencers on Twitter
As a professor at IESE Business School Mireia is a person passionate about education and teaching. With her knowledge she contributes to developing future leaders that will work on the best companies, attitu. She does being very open minded and passionate. Having Mireia's friendship, being able to learn from her and sharing projects is a great privilege. Undoubtedly a great professional and a benchmark in the sector.

Óscar García Pañella
Gamification. Senior Consultant and Partner of Cookie Box
Academic Director of ENTI-UB
Professor Las Heras delivers while she entertains, story tells and then shows, enlightens and truly applies. As a "learning by doing" specialist, Mireia Las Heras knows that "images are more powerful than words" and therefore she dares to apply playful, memorable, applied and rigorous solutions within her workshops and classes because "serious doesn't mean boring.