“Know thyself”. Easy to say. Not so much to do. And, reflection helps.
Life Dimensions
The exercise in this document allows readers, through a series of steps, to understand the weight they are giving to family, professional and general life, and how those life dimensions interact with each other – overlapping, being idependents, etc… The exercise allows the reader to think how much weight they would actually like to give to each of those dimensions and how to move towards such state.

Life Lines
The exercise in this document allows readers, through a series of steps, to chart their degree of satisfaction in three areas of their life - family, professional and general life - during the most recent years, according to the instructions provided, and to carry out a self-analysis on the subject.
Developing Networks
The exercise in this document allows readers, through a series of steps, to analyze how they are developing enriching relationships in each of the key areas of their lives - family, professional and general life. It also enables evaluating the quality and quantity of such relationships.