Excellence in organizations
Money is necessary. Excellence is much more.
Report: Excellence and Values in Organizations” (“Excelencia y Valores”)
Report only available in Spanish
Only 3 out of 10 Spanish workers with permanent contracts feel happy in their work. In fact, more than 80% say they hate or dislike Mondays, and a similar percentage find their workplace stressful. Meanwhile, 6 out of 10 would not recommend their own company to a friend.
These are just some of the worrying findings drawn from a quantitative study by IESE professor Mireia Las Heras and enumerated in a report that aims to promote excellence and values in business organizations.
The report, prepared in collaboration with the Spanish human resources company Eurofirms, evaluates employees' opinions of their working environment.
The conclusion: work is not working for the majority.
Among the discouraging data: only 13% of men and 24% of women think their salary is fair, though over 70% claim to give their all to their company.