Making the world a safer and fairer place.
Co-author for the Report on “Selected solutions of law, Business and technologies preventing crimes”
Antonino Vaccaro, IESE Business School; Mireia Las Heras, IESE Business School; Tommaso Ramus, Universidade Catolica Lisabon; Radosław Koszewski, Execute Education Center; Anna Zalcewicz, professor PW, Warsaw University of Technology; Roland Stephen, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International); Gabriela Ciocarlie, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International); Jeff Klaben, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International); Lucien Randazzese, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International); Ulf Lindqvist, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International); Dr. Silvia King, MBA 120; David Balenson, Stanford Research Institute (SRI International); Gemma Riera, IESE Business School; Júlia Sierra, IESE Business School; Bartosz Janaszek, Warsaw University of Technology; Marcin Kieliszczyk, Warsaw University of Technology; Institute of Justice Publishing House, Warsaw 2018
ISBN 978 – 83 – 907141 – 7- 2